The long way through Software Craftsmanship

Book: Diseño Ágil con TDD (Spanish)

Feb 2, 2015 - 3 minute read - Comments - booktddbook-reviewspanishwewlc

I’ve read this book Diseño Ágil con TDD (Spanish) by Carlos Blé from cover to cover, when previously I had only read the theoretical parts (Part I and Chapter 12 in Part II). It’s worth noting that this is the first TDD book in Spanish (I haven’t found any book in Spanish predating this one - also backed by the author; published in January 2010) and, as such, there are some translations that could be improved.

Your First Language

Feb 2, 2015 - 1 minute read - Comments - bookapprenticeship-patternspatternshypothesisjavaparadigm

After reading (in a specific order - below) part of the patterns in Apprenticeship Patterns, I stumbled upon the “Your First Language” First of all, the illustration with the baby reading a Java book is priceless. Having said that, I came to the realization that you might not know a paradigm but just an implementation (e.g., you don’t know about Object-Oriented programming but just about Java), in the same fashion as you could not know about LISPs but only about an implementation, such as clojure.

Podcast: Basta ya de picar (Spanish)

Jan 24, 2015 - 1 minute read - Comments - podcastbasta-ya-de-picar

Some weeks ago I listened to some podcasts from BastaYaDePicar (episodes 1 to 8) and now I’m listening more (9 to 10). I really recommend these to you, and I imagine that the newer episodes (also new format) will be interesting too. They’re in Spanish and narrated by Sebastian Hermida

Code Snippets Stash

Jan 24, 2015 - 1 minute read - Comments - ideaprotiprepository

Following a team member’s recommendation, I recently started a repository to save all my useful snippets. I’ve decided that the examples should be designed guided by tests or at least to have a working example exercised by tests. Also, that I should not reinvent the wheel and use as many open source libraries as possible, reducing the amount of code I have to write myself. Ideally, every snippet should be a maven project (where applicable) and be imported as a small library, therefore being able to reuse the functionality incrementally across projects.

Bank kata in java

Jan 22, 2015 - 1 minute read - Comments - kataoutside-in-tddtddjavapair-programming

Manuel Rivero and I did a subset of the bank kata, proposed by Sandro Mancuso. We’ve used java (mockito, hamcrest, junit), outside-in TDD. The code is spread among several sessions. We have not committed after each step, only at the end of the session. The source code is on github You can read Manuel’s take on the kata on his blog

GMaur code jam 2015: 01 - Mini-Power Swapper

Jan 12, 2015 - 1 minute read - Comments - code-jamgmaurkatakaizen

Last year we started the program 12 months, 12 katas (as inspired by this repository). This year we want to propose something different: an asynchronous code jam New problem: Mini-Power Swapper This post belongs to a series: code-jam Each month (or so) we at GMaur will publish a new problem (and announce it on twitter) and post a solution to the last problem. This month, the Mini-Power Swapper You can fork the repo, commit there and send a pull request.