The long way through Software Craftsmanship

Self-Study in November 2016

Nov 1, 2016 - 2 minute read - Comments - self-study-aggregationnovember2016readadvicebartosz-milewskicate-hustoncommitcommit-messagedavid-heinemeier-hanssondhhfeaturefunctional-iofunctional-programminghaskelliojohn-cutlermanagementmicrosoftmonadone-on-oneproduct-developmentproduct-managementpsychologyrantrunar-bjarnasonscalaschool-of-haskelltalktaotao-te-chingtim-popetoolvaluevideo

Advice for white men

I’ve read this article by Cate Huston about how advice affects different people.

But here are some things to consider:

  • Advice on failure is different for people who are judged on performance rather than potential.
  • Advice on saying no is different for people who aren’t appreciated for doing work for the collective… but who are punished if they don’t.
  • Advice on negotiation is different for people who are perceived negatively when they do negotiate.
  • Advice on choosing a new job is different for people who disproportionately experience harassment (it’s another factor to consider).
  • Advice on raising your profile is different for people who are recognized for their advocacy more than their work.

Tags: cate-huston, management, advice, psychology

On 1:1s

I’ve read this article by Cate Huston about one-on-ones (1:1s), that includes how she handles and the purpose of them.

For me, 1:1s were about active relationship building, with a focus on the important-but-not urgent. But having built a relationships where we talked regularly and I listened, that created space for conversations to happen outside of the 1:1

Tags: cate-huston, management, psychology, one-on-one

Microsoft, I forgive you!

I’ve read this article by David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH) on why Microsoft has changed and why the author has forgiven past beefs.

Tags: dhh, david-heinemeier-hansson, microsoft

Stop writing rambling commit messages

I’ve read this rant by Tim Pope on commit messages

Tags: rant, commit-message, tim-pope, commit

A Note About Git Commit Messages

I’ve read this article by Tim Pope on git commits and tools to normalize the text and apply the rules he describes

Tags: commit-message, tim-pope, commit, tool

Purely Functional I/O

I’ve watched this talk by Runar Bjarnason on purely functional IO. In the first part, he introduces functional programming, referential transparency and functional IO. In the second part, he explains the types for IO and both the implementation in haskell and in scala.

Tags: runar-bjarnason, haskell, scala, talk, video, functional-programming, functional-io, io

12 Signs You’re Working in a Feature Factory

I’ve read this listicle by John Cutler on signs that a company is very centered in features rather than value.

Tags: john-cutler, feature, value, product-management, product-development

3.a The Tao of Monad

I’ve read this article by Bartosz Milewski explaining the Monad under another lens.

He draws some inspiration from Lao Tzu, in Tao Te Ching: TE as virtue, laziness.

Tags: bartosz-milewski, monad, haskell, school-of-haskell, tao-te-ching, tao

Self-Study in October 2016 Self-Study in December 2016