The long way through Software Craftsmanship

Self-Study in August 2016

Aug 1, 2016 - 3 minute read - Comments - self-study-aggregationaugust2016read2faaaron-kraussagileamazonbill-sourourbindingcareerconfconferenceconstdegreedevin-coldeweydevopses2015eventual-consistencyexperiencefull-stack-developerfunctionhand-signalsholberton-schoolinterview-processjavascriptjosip-franjkovicjuan-hernandezkyle-younglead-devlessons-learnedlifecyclemaryam-labibnistoccupy-movementon-callopinionpair-programmingpivotalprofessional-careerrace-conditionregulationrestrest-apiryan-alexandersecuritysemicolonsmsspanishstylesylvain-kalachesyntaxtddtdzteamtemporal-dead-zonetitleuniversityus-nistvarweb

Lessons in Agile: Six Months at Pivotal

I’ve read this article by Maryam Labib where she explains what she has learned in the last 6 months at Pivotal: how to pair program, how to TDD and some good practices to be a better developer.

Tags: maryam-labib, pivotal, career, professional-career, tdd, pair-programming, team, lessons-learned, experience

Hacking verbal communication systems

I’ve watched this talk by Ryan Alexander on what kind of systems humans use to communicate and how to improve them. Explains the hand signals at Occupy movement (called (Occupy movement hand signals)[])

Tags: conference, ryan-alexander, lead-dev, conf, hand-signals, occupy-movement

Ni titulitis, ni cuñadismo (Spanish)

I’ve read this article about the regulation or no regulation of the programmer trade, by Juan María Hernández

Tags: regulation, opinion, title, degree, university, juan-hernandez, spanish

Are Semicolons Necessary in JavaScript?

I’ve watched this video by Kyle Robinson Young on whether semicolons are necessary in javascript and why he purposely does not use them, to teach people how to do it. Suggests going for a month with the opposite way (write / don’t write) to see how it feels and take an informed decision.

Tags: javascript, semicolon, style, syntax, kyle-young

Race conditions on the web

I’ve read this article by Josip Franjković on the race conditions that can happen using REST APIs, related to eventual consistency matters.

Tags: eventual-consistency, josip-franjkovic, race-condition, rest-api, rest, web

NIST declares the age of SMS-based 2-factor authentication over

I’ve read this article by Devin Coldewey, where he explains that the US NIST has published a draft that suggests using SMS for two-factor authentication in a different way: check that they are real phones and not VoIP to reduce the tampering with.

Tags: devin-coldewey, 2fa, sms, nist, us-nist, security

My Interviews with Amazon

I’ve read this article by Aaron Krauss, where he explains his experience interviewing with Amazon at Seattle. Explains the whole process and insights from some phases.

Tags: aaron-krauss, amazon, interview-process

DevOps Students Learn the Value of Uptime With 3 a.m. Calls

I’ve read this article about the practices related to “on call” at Holberton School and their students.

Tags: sylvain-kalache, holberton-school, on-call, full-stack-developer, devops, agile

Constant confusion: why I still use JavaScript function statements

I’ve read this article that explains the comparison of declaring functions in javascript (ES2015 and above), with the short notation for a function. By Bill Sourour.

Cites the temporal dead zone (TDZ):

[…] JavaScript binds the declaration of “sayHelloTo” — reads it first, puts it at the top, and creates a space in memory to hold its value — but it doesn’t set “sayHelloTo” to anything until it reaches it during execution.

The time between “sayHelloTo” being bound and “sayHelloTo” being initialized is called the temporal dead zone (TDZ).

Tags: tdz, temporal-dead-zone, bill-sourour, javascript, es2015, function, const, var, binding, lifecycle

AWS Kinesis Zombieland Self-Study in September 2016