The long way through Software Craftsmanship

Whose fault is this?

Apr 25, 2015 - 2 minute read - Comments - faultbookquotecraft-conf2015flowmihaly-csikszentmihalyi

In the prologue of the book, while thanking everyone that has made the book possible:

[…], none of the people mentioned here would be responsible for any inaccuracy that might exist in the book, as this responsibility is exclusively mine

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (translated)1, prologue of “Flow

(More posts on this same book, here)

This connects with what Dan North said in the Craft Conf about this idea of the “I’m the only one in the company producing good quality work, the rest are not doing the same”. Of course, he was quoting greedy, selfish people who think this instead of attributing the success to the whole team.

Regarding the whole team, if I recall correctly, it was Sven Peters who explained that “[…] either the team wins or looses. There are no individual wins […]” 2

In this sense, Csikszentmihalyi assumes all responsibility when quoting and reflecting on other’s works. It was his idea to develop on top of others, so any imperfection is his.

This is similar as when approving a pull request: you make sure that the code works and you stand by it. It is no longer the original owner’s cause, but yours too, as you have signed this request. On the pull request, though, the code ownership is already distributed among the whole team, but approvals ensures the presence of the guardian of the source

  1. I had to translate the quote, because I did not borrow the book in English ↩︎

  2. When the talks are available, we will be able the ensure the correct attribution of this idea. ↩︎