The long way through Software Craftsmanship

Books read in 2020Q1

Mar 31, 2020 - 2 minute read - Comments - bookreading2020Q1self-studyreading-club

Read this quarter:

  • Tao of Séneca (vol 3); edited by Ferriss; own-it, non-technical, philoshopy
  • Confidence Hacks: 99 small actions to massively boost your confidence; Davenport; own-it, non-technical
  • Tots estimem l’Emma; Burgas; non-technical

Confidence Hacks

This is a self help book to boost your confidence.

It covers several areas of your life, that could erode your confidence:

  • Relationships
  • Social Life
  • Career
  • Appearance
  • Self-Improvement
  • Body Language
  • Thinking
  • Fun and Adventure
  • Finances

How to read and apply it:

As a review, here’s how I suggest you use this book to help boost your confidence:

  • Read through the entire book once, making notes about any the life areas where you need to work on your confidence.
  • Go back through the book again to review those specific life areas you want to work on and the ideas and Action Steps suggested.
  • Select the most troublesome area of low confidence to work on first, and determine very specific actions based on the suggestions outlined in the book to work on over the next four to six weeks.
  • Determine the time of day you’ll work on those actions and a specific trigger or cue to remind yourself to perform the action.
  • Expect to feel uncomfortable and resistant for the first few weeks. Try to manage your discomfort by reminding yourself it will diminish over time.
  • Seek out accountability and support from a friend or family member by telling them about your confidence work.
  • Acknowledge your small daily actions and reward yourself immediately after you take the action with something that makes you feel good.
  • Track your feelings of confidence weekly as you work on these actions by scoring yourself from one being very low confidence. Give yourself a baseline score before you begin taking the actions.
  • Repeat this process for any additional areas of low confidence.”

Excerpt From: Barrie Davenport. “Confidence Hacks: 99 Small Actions to Massively Boost Your Confidence.” iBooks.

Self-Study in February 2020

Feb 1, 2020 - 1 minute read - Comments - self-study-aggregationfebruary2020caddycc0certificatecompilerdevdevelopmentenvironmenthttpslocallocalhostsslssl-certificatet3xtls

localdots — HTTPS domains for localhost

localdots combines Caddy and smallstep/certificates with automated configuration and hot reload.

Generates SSL/TLS certificates automatically Reloads Caddy automatically with every change

Tags: https, tls, ssl, caddy, certificate, ssl-certificate, development, dev, environment, local, localhost

Id: 851bde02-2e14-11ea-9ec6-0242ac11000d Read: Fri, 03 Jan 2020 10:33:45 +0000

Write Your Own Compiler

Link to create a new compiler, for the T3X language.

less than 150 pages of comprehensible code and straight-forward prose

Tags: compiler, t3x, cc0

Id: b6ad445a-518d-11ea-8529-0242ac110002 Read: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 13:59:28 +0000

Books read in 2019Q3

Sep 30, 2019 - 1 minute read - Comments - bookreading2019Q3self-study

Read this quarter:

  • Tao of Séneca (vol 1); edited by Ferriss; own-it, non-technical, philoshopy
  • My Story, Al Maktoum; non-technical

My Story, Al Maktoum

This important collection of anecdotes and reminiscences from Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is published to mark the occasion of his fifty years in public service, which began with his appointment as Dubai’s Minister of Defence in 1968.

These stories tell of the vision behind Dubai’s meteoric growth from a small and bustling trading port to an international metropolis at the heart of global business. They record the evolution of the United Arab Emirates from a shared ideal to a nation where more than 195 nationalities live and work in peace, harmony and prosperity. And they reveal insights from a man whose drive, determination and will to succeed have become legendary.

Within these stories lies the heart of Sheikh Mohammed the statesman, the equestrian, the poet and the leader. They are written with the intent to inspire and inform new generations of readers, and to celebrate the achievements of this young and vibrant nation and the people who shaped it. […]


Self-Study in September 2019

Sep 1, 2019 - 1 minute read - Comments - self-study-aggregationseptember2019alvaro-videlaanalogyiosmatt-eatonmemory-allocationmemory-managementmetaphorold_soundquotetechniquetoolumberto-eco

Profiling Memory Allocations In iOS With Instruments

Describes a technique for profiling memory allocations

Tags: memory-management, memory-allocation, tool, technique, ios, matt-eaton

Id: 237dd71a-dc50-11e9-b201-0242ac110003 Read: Sat, 21 Sep 2019 09:13:56 +0000

Programming as translation

Converting the real world into digital abstractions requires distillation. And, like literary translators, developers must understand their biases.

Tags: alvaro-videla, old_sound, analogy, metaphor, quote, umberto-eco

Id: a2c0f458-dc50-11e9-95d7-0242ac110003 Read: Sat, 21 Sep 2019 09:17:29 +0000

Self-Study in August 2019

Aug 1, 2019 - 10 minute read - Comments - self-study-aggregationaugust2019alan-kayanswerapiapproval-testassemblerbackupbookbundlebusinessbytecodecachecareercareer-managementcdncompensationconnectionconsidered-harmfulcontroldelta-encodingdelta-requestdependencydevelopment-environmentdiffyencryptionengineering-manageretagevan-noonexternal-influencefrontendglobal-dependencygolanggolden-masterhttp-delta-requestinformationintroductionintuitionjavajavascriptjvmkatakitchenknowledgelake-wobegon-strategylinklocal-datalocal-dependencymakemanagementmanagermathematicsmeasuremeetupmichael-mccunemicro-frontendmixpanelmodulemodule-dependencymutationmutation-testingnodenpmnpm-linkpaperparallel-changepeer-reviewperformancepeter-millerpitpitestpresentationprofessionprogramming-pearlpythonquorareading-listrecursiverecursive-makerefactoringreporepositoryresourcereturn-on-investmentrevealreveal-jsrewriteroisalaryservice-workersetupshared-dictionary-compression-for-httpslideslide-deckslidesharesoftonicsoftware-crafterstesttestingtoolugly-triviaunixunix-toolvendorwebpack

npm ls -g –depth=0 –link=true

Tags: npm, npm-link, node, link, global-dependency

Id: c01a0efa-b832-11e9-87be-0242ac110003 Read: Tue, 06 Aug 2019 10:12:52 +0000

Mutation testing tool for java / jvm

This is a mutation testing tool for the JVM / java

Tags: pitest, pit, mutation-testing, testing, test, tool, jvm, java, mutation

Id: 02d29d3e-b833-11e9-b785-0242ac110003 Read: Tue, 06 Aug 2019 10:14:44 +0000

Ugly trivia kata, using mutation testing

This is a kata I’ve practiced, then shown at the Software Crafters meetup (at Softonic).

I’ve explained mutation testing, then refactoring according to domain boundaries (Questions, Players)

Tags: softonic, software-crafters, meetup, mutation-testing, pit, kata, ugly-trivia, approval-test, golden-master, testing, java, refactoring, repository, repo, kitchen

Id: 531ffcdc-b833-11e9-9ce0-0242ac110003 Read: Tue, 06 Aug 2019 10:16:58 +0000

Experienced programmers and computer scientists, what are some really old (or even nearly forgotten) books you think every new programmer should read?

  • I’m still a big fan of the “Lisp 1.5 Programmers Manual” (MIT Press — still in print). This version of the language is no longer with us, but the book — first written ca 1962 — by John McCarthy, who invented, and his colleagues, who implemented, is a perfect classic.
  • It starts with a version of John’s first papers about Lisp, and develops the ideas in a few pages of examples to culminate on page 13 with Lisp eval and apply defined in itself. There are many other thought provoking ideas and examples throughout the rest of the book.
  • The way to grow from this book is to deeply learn what they did and how they did it, and then try to rewrite page 13 in a number of ways. How nicely can this be written in “a lisp” using recursion. How nicely can this be written without recursion? (In both cases, look ahead in the book to see that Lisp 1.5 had gotten to the idea of EXPRs and FEXPRs (functions which don’t eval their arguments before the call — thus they can be used to replace all the “special forms” — do a Lisp made from FEXPRs and get the rest by definition, etc.).
  • What is a neat bootstrapping path? How could you combine this with Val Shorre’s “Meta II” programmatic parser to make a really extensible language? What does it take to get to “objects”? What are three or four really interesting (and different ways) to think about objects here? (Hints: how many different ways can you define “closures” in a language that executes? What about using Lisp atoms as a model for objects? Etc.)
  • The idea is that Lisp is not just a language but a really deep “building material” that is tidy enough to “think with” not just make things (it’s a “building material” for thoughts as well as computer processes).
  • Dani Richard reminded me to mention: “Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines” by Marvin Minsky (Prentice-Hall, 1967), which — since it is one of my favorite books of all time — I’m surprised I didn’t include in the original list. Marvin could really write, and in this book he is at his best. It is actually a “math book” — with lots of ideas, theorems, proofs, etc., — but presented in the friendliest way imaginable by a great mind who treated everyone — including children — as equal to him, and as fellow appreciators of great ideas. There are lots of interesting things to ponder in this book, but perhaps it is the approach that beckons to the reader to start thinking “like this” that is the most rewarding.
  • “Advances in Programming and Non-Numerical Computation” (Ed. L. Fox) mid-60s. The papers presented at a 1963 summer workshop in the UK. The most provocative ones were by Christopher Strachey and several by Peter Landin. This was one of the books that Bob Barton had us read in his famous advanced systems design class in 1967.
  • Try “The Mythical Man-Month” by Fred Brooks, for an early look and experience with timeless truths (and gotchas) from systems building with teams …
  • Try “The Sciences of the Artificial” by Herb Simon. A much stronger way to think about computing — and what “Computer Science” might mean — by a much stronger thinker than most today.
  • “A Programming Language” by Ken Iverson (ca 1962). This has the same thought expanding properties of Lisp. And, like Lisp, the way to learn from these really old ideas is to concentrate on what is unique and powerful in the approach (we know how to better improve both Lisp and APL today, but the deep essence is perhaps easier to grasp in the original manifestations of the ideas). Another book that Barton had us read.
  • I like Dave Fisher’s 1970 CMU Thesis — “Control Structures for Programming Languages” — most especially the first 100 pages. Still a real gem for helping to think about design and implementations.
  • More recent: (80s) “The Meta-Object Protocol” by Kiczales, et al. The first section and example is a must to read and understand.
  • Joe Armstrong’s PhD thesis — after many years of valuable experience with Erlang — was published as a book ca 2003 …
  • Lots more out there for curious minds ….
  • Mind Storms, by Seymour Pappert.
  • The Elements of Programming Style, by Kernighan and Plaguer.
  • Classics is Software Engineering, edited by Edward Yourdon, 1979 (While this book was published in 1979, it contains articles published by giants in Software Engineering from the ’60s and ‘70s).
  • Programming on Purpose: Essays on Software Design, by PJ Plaguer.
  • Byte Magazine, Volume 6, Number 8, August 1981, Editor in Chief Christopher Morgan.
  • Programming Pearls, by Jon Bentley.
  • Data Structures, This was a truly wonderful book. It was part of a computer science series. I read in the ‘70s, but I can’t find it now and I don’t remember the name of the author.
  • Introduction to Algorithms, by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein (known as CLRS).
  • The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1…4, by Donald Knuth.
  • Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, by Aho, Lam, Sethi, and Ullman, 1986 (known as The Dragon Book).
  • I would mention Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the InterNET, by Katie Hafner, but, it’s only from 1998 so I’m not sure it’s old enough.
  • The Elements of Programming Style by Kernighan and Plauger
  • Controlling Software Projects by Tom DeMarco
  • The Mythical Man-Month by Fred Brooks
  • Peopleware by DeMarco and Lister
  • The Secrets of Consulting by Gerry Weinberg
  • The Psychology of Computer Programming by Gerry Weinberg
  • The Practical Guide to Structured Systems Design by Meilir Page-Jones
  • The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman
  • Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley
  • A Rational Design Process - How and Why to Fake it
  • A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement
  • Clean Code
  • I also really like Thinking in Java by a wonderful author called Bruce Eckel. As the title says, it teaches you to think OOP and really understand the design behind the language and the lessons it was designed after. The book is from 2006, so it is dated. But it is worth your time and is free to download!
  • My favorite programming book to date is still Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, more popularly known as SICP. It’s old, but not forgotten for good reason. I hear many colleges are dropping this book, which is a crying shame.
  • Mathematics for Computer Science is another unsung book. I don’t know of many who has read through this one, but it’s truly mind-expanding and mind-blowing.
  • A book that’s often dismissed and forgotten in this day of “flavor of the week” JavaScript frameworks is JavaScript, the Good Parts. While it’s newer (10-ish years old), I wish more people would take a look at this one. Even if you never write JS in your life, you will walk away a better thinker.
  • Extreme Programming Explained by Kent Beck (2000) — how taking everything to the extreme makes everything easier. Hugely influential for me at a time when most projects were waterfall-style change management exercises. This explains how to be agile.
  • Smalltalk, Objects, and Design by Chamond Liu (1996) — a nice introduction to the elegant mother of all object oriented languages, but also covers design patterns, MVC, UI design and use of metaphors. A smorgasbord of developer insights that are still relevant today.
  • Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics by Newman and Sproull (1979) — this book inspired me to get into programming. It explains the science of recreating the real world on a computer screen. Not so much about writing code, but about the mathematics, algorithms, and hardware.
  • The C Programming Language
  • The Unix Programming Environment
  • SICP
  • Tom Gilb’s - Principles of Software Engineering Management.
  • His principles are classic:
  • The invisible target principle All critical system attributes must be specified clearly. Invisible targets are usually hard to hit (except by chance).
  • The all-the-holes-in-the-boat principle Your design solutions must satisfy all critical attributes simultaneously.
  • The clear-the-fog-from-the-target principle All critical attributes can be specified in measurable testable terms, and the worst-acceptable level can be identified.
  • The learn-before-your-budget-is-used-up principle Never attempt to deliver large and complex systems all at once; try to deliver them in many smaller increments, so that you can discover the problems and correct them early.
  • The keep-pinching-yourself-to-see-if-you-are-dreaming principle Don’t believe blindly in any one method; use your methods and common sense to measure the reality against your needs.
  • The fail-safe minimization principle If you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t do it on a large scale.
  • Object-Oriented Software Construction - Wikipedia (by Betrand Meyer)
  • Smalltalk-80 (
  • You might want to take a look at DoradoList where it has lists of great computer engineering and science books suggested by some world-renowned professors from MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley and more. Interestingly there is a section in that website that is called Gems and per website it is compiled as: “There are many books that are perhaps somewhat out of date in a broad sense but that have wonderful insights that have perhaps been overlooked. In this section, we have asked the top experts if they know of any of this type of hidden/forgotten gems. You can see their responses that we have categorized”. It looks there is a section for Computer Programming there as well.
  • Everything by Robert Glass
  • Mindstorms
  • Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams
  • Computer Science, Logo Style by Brian Harvey (3 volumes)
  • Mirror Worlds
  • Starting Forth / Thinking Forth
  • The C Programming Language
  • The AWK Programming Language
  • There are many other good books, some mentioned in other answers. My list touches on some different types of languages, which are small and tractable, but offer a broad sampling of ideas. The Harvey series shows that a language used to teach children has deceived many into thinking it wasn’t powerful.
  • I love Per Brinch Hansen’s Programming a Personal Computer. It focusses on the Edison programming language, which is an incredibly small and simple language. Edison resembles Pascal to some extent.
  • The book shows how to use Edison to write a complete operating system for a “personal computer.” It even provides the complete source code listing!
  • Edison was designed for multi-processor computing, sort of like the Golang of the day. This book was the first to convince me that small and simple was a very good thing.
  • And that’s why Smalltalk is my favourite programming language today. See Richard Kenneth Eng’s answer to What programming language was for you an absolute pleasure to work with and why?

Tags: reading-list, alan-kay, programming-pearl, quora, answer

Id: a87e9686-babb-11e9-a55d-0242ac110004 Read: Fri, 09 Aug 2019 15:37:55 +0000

Delta requests for frequently-updated application bundles: from 2002 to service workers

Explains how to bundle frontends (in javascript), to split it up for performance reasons.

How to split the vendor bundle from our own bundle. How to delta (incremental) send the new parts to clients

Tags: service-worker, delta-request, vendor, javascript, frontend, bundle, cdn, http-delta-request, etag, cache, delta-encoding, shared-dictionary-compression-for-http, micro-frontend, webpack

Id: fa331bd6-c89f-11e9-894d-0242ac110005 Read: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 04:55:03 +0000

Recursive Make Considered Harmful

Explains why recursive make (calling make inside make) is harmful. Offers alternatives

Tags: make, paper, peter-miller, recursive, recursive-make, module, module-dependency, unix, unix-tool, tool, return-on-investment, roi, considered-harmful

Id: f62a204c-c8a0-11e9-b7a1-0242ac110005 Read: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 05:02:06 +0000

Why You Should Have (at Least) Two Careers

having two professions will: first will subsidise the second one, you will intermingle ideas (creating knowledge, not information), make connections outside your business area

Tags: career, career-management, knowledge, information, profession, connection, business, external-influence

Id: 2f230fda-c8a1-11e9-8f4f-0242ac110006 Read: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 05:03:41 +0000

Ask HN: Best resources to gain math intuition?

Tags: intuition, book, resource, mathematics, introduction

Id: a5ddf530-c8a2-11e9-8709-0242ac110006 Read: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 08:14:10 +0000