The long way through Software Craftsmanship

Self-Study in January 2021

Jan 1, 2021 - 3 minute read - Comments - self-study-aggregationjanuary20212020acquisition-of-skillanalogyandre-schweighoferaquiles-carattinobookbook-writingcareercareer-managementchris-patticonstraint-optimization-programmingconstraint-sastifaction-programmingcopcspdistinctiondocumentdreyfus-modeleisvogelend-of-yearfeohfocusgoalsguidehacker-newsjoel-goldbergjourneymankim-marriottlatexlearninglogrocketmarkdownmaximizemedia-servermilpminizincmixed-integer-linear-programmingn-queensnew-shinynp-hardnsapandocparadoxpbtperfectpestpeter-principlepeter-stuckeyproperty-based-testingpublishingreal-thingrecommendationreflectionretrospectiverustscott-youngsecuritysentence-parsersimplicitysoftwaresslteam-worktechnical-debttemplatetlstooltutorialultralearningvgaltesvicenç-garcia-altesworking-softwarezach-mitchell

Perfect Media Server

Hacker News discussion on a media server, half open source (?).

Tags: hacker-news, media-server, perfect, tool, software

Id: c37b0f2a-4dc5-11eb-8048-0242ac110002 Read: Sun, 03 Jan 2021 13:15:34 +0000

How your startup can survive technical debt

Mentions the paradox of success: you need debt to start quickly, yet too quickly leaves no time to pay debt. Hence your prototype turns into an MVP, and that is your first piecce of technical debt.

Tags: andre-schweighofer, technical-debt, analogy, working-software, paradox

Id: dfd6d710-4dc7-11eb-b0a9-0242ac110002 Read: Sun, 03 Jan 2021 13:30:41 +0000

What I’ve Learned in 45 Years in the Software Industry

Some thoughts from a person in the software industry, 45 years in.

Focus on the fundamentals: teamwork, trust, communication, seek consensus, automated testing, Clean, understandable, and navigable code and design

Tags: reflection, team-work, career-management, peter-principle, simplicity, joel-goldberg

Id: 8f34ebda-5317-11eb-a356-0242ac110002 Read: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 07:43:41 +0000

Retrospectiva 2020

Vicenç reflects on his 2020, both laboral and professional, while working at Voxel from the UK.

Lower in salary rates, twice (first as reducing rates from a previous engagement, then lowering rates for the pandemic).

Explains his goals for the upcoming year.

Tags: vgaltes, vicenç-garcia-altes, retrospective, end-of-year, 2020, goals

Id: b7809eea-533a-11eb-99a9-0242ac110002 Read: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 11:55:21 +0000

How to write a programming book

Tags: book, book-writing, aquiles-carattino

Id: b19e2f4c-5349-11eb-9a89-0242ac110002 Read: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 13:42:34 +0000

Do the Real Thing

Fake activity is great for making yourself feel better, but lousy for actual results.

Rules for Doing the Real Thing

  1. Nothing is often better than something.
  2. The hard way is the easy way.
  3. If you’re not sure what the real thing is, just ask.

Tags: ultralearning, scott-young, real-thing, distinction, focus, career

Id: b3b254f6-534a-11eb-b65b-0242ac110002 Read: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 13:49:47 +0000

The Eternal Novice Trap

  • Do learn new programming languages and paradigms, but learn them from a place of confidence and mastery with your primary tool of choice.
  • Don’t fall for the trap of perpetually chasing after the bright shiny thing that’s hot right now. Recognize that what’s new isn’t necessarily better. Take what will meaningfully help you advance your career and let the rest flow by. There’ll always be more tomorrow.
  • Do keep having fun! You’ll learn more quickly and retain more if you’re finding enjoyment in what you do. Sometimes it means looking at things a little differently, but often that open mindedness can pay off.

Tags: chris-patti, new-shiny, career-management, feoh, journeyman, dreyfus-model, acquisition-of-skill, learning

Id: 8679135c-534b-11eb-815f-0242ac110002 Read: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 13:55:40 +0000

Eisvogel: pandoc latex template

This is a tool / template to translate markdown files to PDF/LaTeX. This can create a cover page, code listings

Tags: latex, tool, eisvogel, pandoc, template, document, publishing, book, markdown

Id: ede18e32-5965-11eb-bb25-0242ac110002 Read: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 08:19:48 +0000

A MiniZinc Tutorial

A MiniZinc Tutorial, explaining the language, the runner, the IDE

Tags: minizinc, csp, constraint-sastifaction-programming, maximize, n-queens, np-hard, kim-marriott, peter-stuckey, cop, constraint-optimization-programming, milp, mixed-integer-linear-programming

Id: 2f6217dc-5966-11eb-824f-0242ac110002 Read: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 08:21:38 +0000

Property-based testing in Rust with Proptest

A guide on how to do property-based testing in rust

Tags: property-based-testing, rust, guide, tutorial, zach-mitchell, logrocket, pbt, pest, sentence-parser

Id: 8101544a-5966-11eb-8133-0242ac110002 Read: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 08:23:55 +0000

NSA urges system administrators to replace obsolete TLS protocols

NSA is urging to drop SSL2.0, 3.0, TLS 1.0, 1.1. Prefer TLS1.2, 1.3.

Tags: ssl, tls, nsa, security, recommendation

Id: c5c1038c-5bdc-11eb-a789-0242ac110003 Read: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 11:35:33 +0000

Books read in 2020Q4 Live test from the MMA