WhatsApp Security Vulnerability
I’ve read this article by Bruce Schneier on a security defect in whatsapp, where an ‘unconfirmed’ message can be re-encrypted (with a new key) and resent. This is a vector for some attacks.
Tags: bruce-schneier, security, whatsapp, encryption, attack-vector
Encrypted email service once used by Edward Snowden relaunches
I’ve read this article, by Kim Zetter, on Lavabit restablishing its service. Explains the company’s past and the new services they are offering
Tags: lavabit, kim-zetter, privacy, encryption, email, mail
What Happens When You Mix Java with a 1960 IBM Mainframe
I’ve read this article by David Cassel about the legacy infrastructure of hardware that the U.S. government agencies have. How old mainframes are still useful to web applications and how these mainframes can communicate with more modern systems, through APIs
Tags: mainframe, david-cassel, marianne-bellotti, legacy-hardware, legacy-software, legacy-system, legacy, api
Systems We Love: How the Past Informs Our Present
I’ve read this experience report by David Cassel about the conference “Systems we love”: a mix of papers we love and systems that happened at San Francisco in December 2016
Tags: david-cassel, systems-we-love, papers-we-love, system, conference, experience-report, joyent
The agonizing death of an astronaut
I’ve read this article by Daniel Dietrich on why the implementation of the Option
in Javaslang seems to be broken but, in fact, follows the rules of the monads.
Explains why map
should be used for non-changing contexts and flatmap
should be used for changing it.
Tags: daniel-dietrich, monad, option, haskell, optional, maybe, scala, javaslang
We reverse engineered 16k apps, here’s what we found
I’ve read this article by Fallible team, in which they describe the analysis of apps. They discovered 2500 apps with key and secret on them.
[…] whenever you hardcode any API key/token in the app, think hard if you really need to hardcode this, understand the API usage and the read/write scope of the tokens before putting it in the apps.
Tags: analysis, security, app, key, token, api, fallible
Oh, the emails you’ll get…
I’ve read this article by Joel Spolsky, in which he explains how some companies focus on some metrics for measuring performance, how difficult it is to measure performance.
Tags: joel-spolsky, performance, management, consulting
2002/07/15 - Measurement
I’ve read this article by Joel Spolsky where he explains how measuring performance is difficult, according to Robert D. Austin in his book Measuring and Managing Performance in Organizations. He gives some examples of that, mainly about paying out bonuses for performance reasons.
Tags: joel-spolsky, robert-austin, measuring-performance, managing-performance, book, knowledge-worker, bonus, pay, performance, organization
The Purpose Of Life Is Not Happiness: It’s Usefulness
I’ve read this article by Darius Foroux on what the purpose of life is about: making a difference (even if small) in what you leave behind.
Tags: psychology, purpose-of-life, usefulness, happiness, darius-foroux
The Future of User Interfaces
I’ve read this article by Brandur on how interfaces are becoming more and more bloated, slow and ridden with animations. All of that is targeted to the beginner user, rather than the proficient one. He suggests some ideas on finding inspiration from the terminal applications
Tags: brandur, interface, interface-design, ux, ui
My Increasing Frustration With Clojure
I’ve read this article by Ashton Kemerling on the problems he has found working professionally with Clojure and some possible solutions.
Tags: clojure, language, ashton-kemerling, functional-programming, problem, frustration
Java Without If
I’ve read this article by Ashton Kemerling on how he is using a library called ‘lambda’, which brings some of the functional programming features to Java.
Tags: lambda, library, ashton-kemerling, functional-programming, java, palatable, john-napier
Top ten pull request review mistakes
I’ve read this article by Scott Nonnenberg on the most common mistakes while doing a code review in the context of a pull request.
Tags: scott-nonnenberg, pull-request, code-review, github, diff, listicle
Shutting down Simplicity Itself
I’ve read this article by David Dawson on why he’s shutting down his consultancy company, Simplicity Itself, which was mainly focused on microservices.
Tags: david-dawson, simplicity-itself, shut-down, company, consulting, post-mortem, postmortem
Turn Off Your Cellphone
I’ve read this article by Brandur on how to get more done by unplugging the notifications
Tags: brandur, time-management, interruption, phone, notification
The Dark Standup
I’ve read this article by Alan Brouilette on the steps they took to reduce the amount of hours worked. It started with a few extra questions during the daily standup:
- What didn’t you do today because you stopped working on time?
- What will the impact be on tomorrow because of it?
- How much more time would you have needed to get everything done today?
- What will you do with those hours tonight instead?
and what they realized after a two-week experiment:
- The costs of context switching are much higher than we realized.
- We were spending a lot of time doing things that were urgent but not important, or that didn’t need to have been urgent at all.
- We needed to be a lot more ruthless about saying “No.”
- Some Operations roles are legitimately shorthanded, some of us just needed to impose a little order.
- FOMO WIP (unnecessary work one takes on because one fears missing something) is a real problem, especially as regards to Slack and meetings.
- We worked better in the time we had to work, knowing it was finite.
- Work-life balance improves both work and life. People literally slept better when limiting after-hours exposure to Slack and email. […]
Tags: dark-standup, quote, limited-time, overtime, team-management, experiment, question, alan-brouilette
What it Means to be a Remote-First Company
I’ve read this article by Alyssa Mazzina on what Stack Overflow does to keep its remote employees happy, how they are a remote-first company and small practicalities like tools, holiday gifts and stipends.
Tags: alyssa-mazzina, team-management, remote, remote-work, stack-overflow, team
Google’s not-so-secret new OS
I’ve read this article describing the state of Google’s new operating system, Fuchsia or Andromeda (the final name is not final yet).
Tags: google, os, operating-system, daniel-matte, fuchsia, andromeda
Four Secrets Of People Who Finish Their Workweeks On Thursday
I’ve read this article by Kat Boogaard that includes four tips to finish your week early:
- They Schedule Intentionally
- They Focus On Priorities
- They Tune Out Distractions
- They Find Shortcuts
Tags: kat-boogaard, time-management, eisenhower-productivity-matrix, urgent-vs-important, important-vs-urgent, urgent, important, productivity
Reflecting On One Very, Very Strange Year At Uber
I’ve read this article by Susan J Fowler on some bad HR practices at Uber and how they are part of the reason their low percentage of women (3%) in the engineering team.
Tags: sexism, uber, susan-fowler, hr, human-resources, women, work-environment, review
Ni dioses ni reyes. Sólo el hombre.
I’ve read this bonilista (in Spanish) by David Bonilla on which he talks about the God Mode and how that is implemented in different applications.
I’ve also liked this:
Los desarrolladores sólo somos herreros que forjan ceros y unos. Construimos herramientas para satisfacer necesidades de nuestros usuarios, sin que eso nos haga mejores que ellos o nos dé el derecho de supervisar y juzgar sus actos. A la hora de diseñar nuevos sistemas y funcionalidades, lo único que nunca deberíamos olvidar es que no somos dioses ni reyes, sólo hombres.
Rough translation:
We, developers, we are only blacksmiths of the digital era. We build tools to satisfy our user’s need, without that fact making us better than they are or without the right to overview what they do or to judge their acts. When designing new systems and features, the only thing we must never forget is that we are neither gods nor kings, just humans.
Las tres erres
I’ve read this article (in Spanish) by David Bonilla in which he explains three necessary factors when considering a job offer:
- Referentes: es imposible conocer a toda la plantilla de una empresa, pero si conoces a dos o tres empleados clave, podrás hacerte una idea de cómo será el equipo que te vas a encontrar. La gente prefiere trabajar con compañeros que compartan su ética y valores. Yo conocía a casi toda la plantilla de Comalatech tras haber coincidido con unos y otros en distintos eventos… y aún hay gente que se pregunta para qué sirve ir a conferencias técnicas si en Internet “se puede encontrar todo”.
- Referencias: es complicado, pero en el día a día una persona puede ser completamente diferente a la imagen que proyecta públicamente. Me ha pasado. Por eso es importante contar con referencias, terceras personas –antiguos empleados, clientes o proveedores- con las que haya trabajado. Los españoles no solemos pedirlas, pero para los anglosajones son un requisito imprescindible. En el caso de Comala, conseguí las mejores de la mejor fuente posible.
- Retos: los profesionales trabajamos por dinero, pero a partir de cierto nivel de salario, podemos permitirnos el lujo de elegir un trabajo u otro según otros factores. En mi caso, siempre he priorizado por encima de todo el potencial de aprendizaje y, en ese sentido, Comalatech no tenía rival.
Tags: referent, reference, challenge, david-bonilla, bonilista, change-job, job-offer