This year’s edition of the CAS 2014 has been awesome. There were several tracks:
- Enterprise Agile
- Collaboration, Culture and Teams
- Delighting Products
- Agile+
- Development Practices and Craftsmanship
The last one is where I spent most of the time.
The schedule
The first day:
- Sandro Mancuso: talking about Software Craftsmanship
- Jose Manuel Armesto: talking about Unit Testing sucks (and it’s our fault)
- Rubén Martín Pozo: talking about Specification by example - Historia de un equipo que no odia documentar
- Xavi Gost: talking about La economía del refactoring. Una visión desde la gestión económica del proyecto.
- Pedro Gustavo Torres: talking about Pair Programming
The second day:
- Rafael de Castro: talking about Generando tests
- Ricardo Borillo: talking about CQRS y los beneficios surgidos de la necesidad.
- Manu Cupcic and Adrian Perreau de Pinninck: talking about Delivery at Scale.
- Juan Gabardini: talking about Testing en equipos infectados de test. This talk was also prepared by Juan Diego Vasco Moncada but he couldn’t come.
Some thoughts
The conferences were awesome, but I’d preferred if most (if not all) were in English so this conference can attract more international speakers
There were 600+ people in the CCCB. That was only possible due to all the volunteers, organizers, caterers and the assistants.
More info
You can find more information on the official website and on twitter using the hashtag #cas2014