The long way through Software Craftsmanship

Convert a project from npm to yarn

Mar 3, 2017 - 1 minute read - Comments - dockertoolpipelinejenkinsyarnnpmjavascript

At a client, we’re converting all projects (i.e., sites, services, libraries) from npm to yarn. Mostly for the speed (as it uses the internal cache).

Step by step guide

  1. Install yarn in your local environment *
  2. Run yarn install * This will create a yarn.lock file * Add that file to the repo: git add yarn.lock
  3. Modify Dockerfile * Install yarn (in the Dockerfile). Idea: shortcut this execution with yarn --version in case it is installed * Configure the PATH variable (ENV PATH …) * ADD yarn.lock * Replace npm install with yarn install
  4. Modify pipeline * See example (below) * install_yarn. Idea: shortcut this execution with yarn --version in case it is installed * Replace npm install with yarn install
  5. Test it


Build step: execute shell

function install_yarn {
  yarn --version || curl -o- -L | bash
  export PATH="$HOME/.yarn/bin:$PATH"


yarn install

Self-Study in March 2017 Modifying titles in a Trello Board